Friday, September 7, 2007


Friday I went to the Tokyo Nation Museum in Ueno. I saw a big exhibit of Zen buddist stuff from about 600-800 years ago. I also saw the Japanese Archaeology Gallery there. There was also a very small section for Christianity in Japan back before the Meiji period (before the mid 1800's).

Brief history. Christianity came to japan in the 1500's mainly by Catholic folks. It was so transforming of the people, the rulers had it squashed. Over the next few hundred years, Christianity was outlawed and Christians were required to leave, recant or be tortured and/or killed. 26 Christians were crucified in Nagasaki.

You can read more at Wikipedia and other places.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Anything interesting happen at Hiroshima too? Very interesting. Sounds like the pieces are starting to come together. It almost sounds to me like there needs to be a break through at the highest levels of government (e.g. the emperor getting saved) and a repentance for the resistance of Christianity.

What a productive trip you are having!